Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love me not.

Most days I LIKE running. I enjoy getting my workouts in, and especially enjoy the way I feel after the run is done. My mind is clear, my body is the right amount of tired, and I am definitely in a better mood. Ask my roommates...when I don't workout regularly, I am not fun to live with...a certain b-word comes to mind!!

If I am lucky, once a week I LOVE running. I'll turn my IPOD to Train or Cee Lo Green, find my groove, and chug along like I could run for hours. I'll look around and admire pretty lil' Boise and smile at people that pass...and I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing. 

Then there are days like today...ones where I absolutely hate running (did I accentuate that hate enough?). I know if I am having one of these days right when I wake up. I battle with myself all day, really not wanting to go run, and kicking myself and feeling guilty that I am being such a sissy. 

I'd be lying if I said I loved running all the time. Some days I dread it. There are even days where I would rather CLEAN than run (and for those that know me know that I am as messy as they come).  

Today I laid out every excuse in the book not to do my 6-mile run. "I had to coach...I was's cold...gotta catch up on homework...I'll just run tomorrow instead." And here I am tonight, with no run under my belt, and...well it's too dark to go! ha. 

Though I loved LOVED LOVED running track in college (it's really true, I did), I finally, for the first time I can remember, feel totally free. and it feels good :-) 

For the first time in my WHOLE LIFE I get to pick the days I want to run. And I listen. If I am totally not down to run one day, I just won't. It's important to me that running never becomes a chore. If it's a chore, I'll end up hating it more than I like it, and that's no good for my mood (or my pant size)! 

That way, when I am 85 years old I will still (hopefully) be chugging along to "Hey Soul Sister" on my iPOD doing something I truly like (and somedays love) to do. 

Tomorrow I will run. 

Peace :-)...and adios to Paige, who is in Spain. 

P.S...last Monday...longest run of my life so far! 12.44 miles in 1 hour 41 minutes. Hurt like heck but I did it and kept pace. High five :-)

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