Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Half marathon #1 is done and in the books...and let me just say, I. LOVED. IT.

It was the perfect length...just long enough that I felt super challenged, but not too long that I doubted I would finish.

For this particular 13.1 I had two goals: 1) Run the entire race (meaning no walking EVER), and 2) break two hours.
Goal #1 I completed with ease, the longest run of my life thus far and I could do it. I never even wanted to walk. (That's a lie...about mile 11 I was kinda hating life, but I knew I could finish).
As for goal #2...I ran 2:00.59...can you freaking believe that? I was 59 seconds over my goal time! GRRRRR...avoiding the numerous snot rockets I launched during that race would've let me go under two hours...ha! Oh well, Next time will be well under 2 hours, you can count on that.

And I definitely see many more half marathons in my future...but after running 13.1 and realizing I'll have to do twice that IN A ROW this summer...well...this just might be the only marathon I ever do. 26.2 is a long freakin way...just sayin'.

About two and a half months until my first 26.2...lots of work to do...but still totally looking forward to it. :-)


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Half #1

3 days until my 1st 1/2 marathon...

13.1 miles...

the farthest I've ever run is 12...

Who's bright idea was this?!

Oh yeah...mine. Oh boy. 

I am totally looking forward to it and completely dreading it all at the same time. 

My goal is to break two hours.

But two hours or not...I am going to DQ afterwards...and I won't be having the mini.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You be the judge.

So the boyfriend and I have the most extreme bet going on.

A super ab contest.

We each one month to totally transform our abs, the one who makes the most progress by June 1st not only gets to eat a delicious sushi dinner paid for by the other, but gets indefinite bragging rights! Not to mention killer abs just in time for summer. 

We decided to judge by before and after pictures. We were going to look at who's belly just looked plain better by June, but then Ty would totally have anatomy on his side. WE ALL KNOW it's way easier for guys to look in shape than it is for girls...plain and simple. Ty can eat a bag of chips and a pint of Ben & Jerry's and his abs will look better than when he started! Mine...not so much. It makes me wanna beat him up.

So you be the judge...here are our before pictures:

The next set will be posted June 1st. He is going down.

P.S. I need a tan.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Long time no see.

Hi, I'm Megan, and I am a slacker. 

Was my last post really a month ago???

Though I am one slackish (is that even a word?) blogger...I have not been a slackish marathon wannabe! Training has been going great! I have been religiously running and keeping up with my mileage (I even hit a 40+ week last week!). And I have been doing strengthening circuits. I really feel great, and my legs are starting to look and feel like they did when I was running track in college. It feels good to be back :-)

In fact...on a whim two weeks ago I upped and signed up for my 1st half...and it's next Saturday!

I'll be running the great Idaho Potato Marathon...my very first 13.1. 

I am SUPER excited, and altogether scared outta my mind. 

I'm crossing my fingers for sunshine...and a tailwind during my last 5 miles...I'm gonna need all the help I can get :-)
