Monday, January 31, 2011


I made a list!

On it are tons of different things I want to do, go see, learn, etc.

One item in particular is to run a marathon...and hopefully eventually run lots of 'em.

I was a sprinter in college, though I like to run long distances. (Ha did I say run? I call it running, my boyfriend says 9 minute miles is more like jogging, but I beg to differ!)

July 31st I am running my first full marathon in good ol' San Francisco-my favorite city in the whole wide world. One day I will live there, even if just for a little while. That, too, is an item on my list.

I have been "officially" training for a week now, and yesterday I ran 11.5 miles. Not too shabby for these retired sprinter legs.

 Today I feel like I have the knees of an 80 year old.

I'll publish my list in the days to come. My goal is to do at least 100 of these things in the next 1000 days.

"100 in 1000" has a nice ring to it!

...and now 99 to go. :-)


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This is my problem...

I think it all started about 24 years ago...24 years, 1 month and 29 days to be exact. That was the day we moved in together...into a crib we shared. There are pictures of us as just teeny tiny babes with our heads wedged together into a corner of the crib that we scooted into but found it too tricky to navigate ourselves back out. (My mom said we always wanted to be next to each other, yet we both can't believe this is true, ha!...I'll try to find the pic)Of course there were actually two cribs, matching cribs that sat across from each other with matching blankeys (different colors of course...Paige's green, and mine whatever was my favorite color at the time). 

At 3 we got twin beds, that we soon after broke from jumping back and forth across and practicing our flips. In second grade we got bunk beds where we never once used the ladder. Instead we jumped from the bottom bed using our hands to hold onto the railing and swing our legs over the side of the top bunk and reach the top the fun way (isn't that how you're supposed to do it?) Needless to say the bunk bed didn't last long either. Back to matching twin beds that we had until we moved out, broken or not. [One did get broken in high school from, again, doing flips] We weren't (and still aren't) very gentle with our things. I think my mom will faint when she sees I've admitted to that. Turns out moms actually do know what they're talking about. 
Not until age 20 did we finally get our own rooms...ok, they were in the same dorm suite, but our own rooms!! [To our credit I did move out for one day in 4th grade, until I saw the awesome lights Paige hung in her window and let jealousy get the best of me and moved right back into her awesome (and bigger) room so that those sparkly lights could be mine too!].

Here at 24...and 1 month and 29 days...we still live together. Correction: As of April Fool's Day, 2011, Paige is moving on out! No this is not a joke, despite the day...she is leaving! It is liberating! and altogether devastating. 

Now you may say it's about time! Which most people, especially our boyfriend's and ever patient college roomie-Kayleen- will definitely say. It marks the end of our battles, the daily fights about clothes and messes and stealing each other's things. Never again will anyone have to listen to our hollering about Paige stealing my black skinny jeans, or me simply borrowing her green hoodie. I am sure Ty (my bf), Schmaz (Paige's bf), and Kayleen are relieved to see those days come to an end. And our dear lil' mom who had to and is still putting up with our never-ending complaining and phone calls about each others annoying habits. She deserves an award, twins is no easy task. 

Yes I am relieved. I will not miss the fights. I will not miss going to the closet and finding the shirt I so desperately wanted to wear is missing. I will not miss her nagging me to do dishes or get my clothes out of the dryer. 

But I will miss my Paige.

Growing up as a twin makes you SUPER DUPER close, sometimes SUPER DUPER mad, and makes splitting up SUPER DUPER hard. 

What's a twin to do...?

The best place to start.

Ha. Those who know me know that I don't have any favorites. 
I like everything, and I like nothing. I thought I was ready to get my blog on. But then I couldn't pick the background I liked best. 

Or font. 

Or color. 

Typical Megan.

As a result I am sure these things will change quickly and often, until I find my thing. I change my mind often, and as a result don't ever have a favorite. However, this does make shopping rather easy for me, and frustrating for my sister...but we'll get to that later. I do, however, have many MANY things I like, and that list is always changing.

I am Megan. I am a runner. I am a twin [a mirror twin...I'm a lefty and she's not]. I like to read. I love my family and my black lab. I like most desserts and peppermint flavored coffees and chapstick and lotion (for it's peppermint-y scent, not the taste, duh! :-) ). I consider myself creative though I wish I could paint better. I can cook if I try. I can clean, but choose not to. 

And I blog. 

Sort of.